
Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Foundation Routine

I have a very simple foundation/skincare rountine before doing the more fun makeup. My skintype is rough, dry skin, so I use my dermatoligist recommended lotion.

1. First, I make sure everything is clean and dry. I need more converage on my left side, and it's a lot more rough over there.

2. I take the lotion, which is called AmLactin. It will moisturize my skin nicely without leaving it feeling sticky and uncomfortable, which I found some lotions do. Be warned, I personally don't like it's smell. Hopefully the smell won't bother you to the point where you can't use it, because it's worth it.

3. Now I take my NYC Fit Me Foundation in the shade "Light" and put a little on my hand. I won't put a lot, because a little goes a long way, especially with this foundation. Now I'm just going to take two fingers, dip it in the foundation, and start to cover the redness on my chin. Then I move up to around my eyes, my cheeks, my forehead and my nose. If there is any left on my hand, I will either blend it under my chin/on my neck, or just blend it into my hand. I really love this foundation because it's in expensive, but it gives a really natural, smooth look, especially over the AmLactin.

4. Then I take my Nars Stick Concealer in the color Medium 1 Custard. I use it to cover up my blemishes and around my nose. Then I'll put a little on my fingers and pat it under my eyes for a little brightening. I absolutely adore this concealer. The consistency is amazing and smooth and just makes it look flawless.

That's it! It's really simple and easy and it helps make my skin look very nice.

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